
Erika Kramer
2 min readAug 23, 2020

The 33 Project

I had the most lovely breakfast coffee with S down by her lake. You can’t top that kind of perfection — relaxing, warm, full of love and promise. It was really wonderful. Then a nice drive home to the city and back to the apartment. On to the recos for today:

1/ Ann Helen Petersen has a great newsletter on this very platform. It’s now called Culture Study and just last week became her new, full time job (meaning there’s a paid sub option). She’s formerly a writer for Buzzfeed and the author of a book on millennials. Highly recommend even just following the free version — which comes out every Sunday.

2/ Been watching Hinterland while I clean and settle back into NYC life. It’s a Welsh detective show that’s beautifully shot. The main character is a pleasure to look at, as well. Check it out — the crime’s aren’t too complicated and each ends with a solid resolution. It’s on Netflix.

3/ I enjoyed reading this comic about quarantine life and the beauty of nature.

That’s all for tonight. Talk to you tomorrow, self. Ok, bye.

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